How to Retain NO. 1 Position in Google?

julia ching

Posted by admin Sep 17, 2018


Google, the world’s leading search engine, is used prominently in almost all parts of the world. Because of several reasons, most people love to use Google when they have to find something on the internet. Google has different versions for different countries. Google Singapore is one of them.

95.91% of Singaporeans use this search engine in their daily life. With a 7.7% growth rate, 500 million active Internet users, a good possibility for a further increase in Internet users, a big market, etc., are some important reasons why Internet-based companies are focusing on the Internet market.

Search Engine Market Share in Singapore

Search Engine Market Share

How Web-based Companies can Increase Your Presence on Google & Boosts Profit Margins?

Let’s consider a few points.

[Research is done as per Singapore similarly, you can use your own location]

1. Perform the Grassroot Work at First

Before you start optimizing your website for Google Singapore, let’s perform some grassroots works at first to make your online business more profitable:

A. Track the User’s Activity on the Internet

Track User Behaviour on Internet

As a business owner, in order to rank high on google, you need to track the activities of Internet users in Singapore. Mainly, they perform the following tasks:

  • Reading News, watching videos, and listening to music,
  • Booking online services, such as buying a house, choosing a life partner, booking railway/ air-plane/bus tickets,
  • Searching topics of their interest,
  • Large-scale online shopping. Singapore has 4.11 million active online shoppers.
  • Studying online,
  • Online financial activities and
  • Selling goods and services.

B. Create High-quality Content in Different Singaporean Languages

Although English is widely used in Singapore, Commonly used languages of Singapore are English, Mandarin, Malay, and Tamil.

Internet users love to use different web applications available in local languages. So, business organizations can’t think of increasing their market share in Singapore with English only websites.

Singaporean Languages

So, apart from English language content, you should create high-quality materials in other languages also.

2. Technical Considerations

Technical indicators of a website play a great role if you eyeing for the potential business opportunities originating from Google Singapore. Your website should look attractive & professional.

It is critically important that the website should be responsive with faster loading speed.

Make sure:

  • The website should be easy to use to rank high
  • Helps user to find what they need in the shortest possible time.

It would be better to get your website created by the best web design company, which understands the local Internet market & user behavior very well.

3. Update Your Website with Fresh Content

Fresh Content is the foundation of search engine optimization. So, you should have good-quality content for website optimization. Check the available content at least 2 times before use and eliminate all possible left out mistakes.

Update your website with fresh content like discounts and optimize it for Google Singapore amongst the targeted audience. Use good keywords, metadata, heading tags, titles and subtitles, images, etc, to optimize the content very well.

This will encourage Google bots to visit your website and rank high in search results.

4. Social Media Optimization

Singaporean Internet users are crazy about different social media websites. Almost all tech-savvy internet users have one or more social media accounts.

Social Media Website

So, pay proper attention to social media optimization to have a stronger presence on Google Singapore & get additional traffic & business opportunities. Just share your site’s content on different social media platforms and encourage users to share it to the maximum.

Join different social media groups and share content with them. You can also create groups and add interested people to them.

You can share useful content in those groups & expect more referral traffic to your website.

5. Never Ignore Mobile Internet Users in Singapore

Out of 5.61 million people, nearly 4.21 million people use the Internet on different mobile devices because of the ease-of-use, mobility, and feasibility. Only a few people access the Internet on desktop computers and laptops.

So, if you want to rank high in search results of Google Singapore (and in other versions of Google), optimize your website with a mobile-first approach. Ensure that your website is responsive to all mobile devices.

  • Keep the content length balanced so that visitors can view it fully on different mobile devices.
  • If you can capitalize on the business opportunities pop out from the small screens, the ultimate success will kiss your feet in the web-based business.

6. Premium Advertising

Most SEO professionals use premium advertising when they fail to get tangible results through free SEO campaigns.

You must always keep in mind that the premium ads will not get lost in the list of free ads.

They show the seriousness of your intentions and make your ad more noticeable in the SERP of Google. Give premium ads on Google and its different platforms.

They will increase the effectiveness of your ads up to a great extent. As a result, you will have more calls from potential customers. The actual cost of premium ads varies from time to time. So, be careful about it & place premium ads carefully.

7. Always Be Ready for Google Updates

Google Algorithm Update

Click Here to Read About: Google’s Medic Update

Google updates its search algorithm from time-to-time to discourage the use of unlawful SEO practices & allow only the fair competitors to excel in its SERP. Otherwise, one Google update can shake your whole web-based infrastructure, strengthen your base with effective backlinking. Google updates affect the ranking of websites. 

Some websites go up in Google’s SERP, while some others are humiliated with a lower ranking. So, follow the rules & regulations of SEO practices guided by Google. If this happens, your website will be able to accommodate frequent updates in Google’s algorithm and give more business opportunities.

Final Words

Attaining a high ranking in Google gives immense traffic and business opportunities to entrepreneurs. Follow the above-mentioned tips to help your website rank well in Google Singapore & make more revenues every day by successfully converting traffic into paying customers.

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