Best SEO Friendly WordPress Themes

Coding and site structure is one of the most important factors when it comes to SEO. This means that selecting and utilizing SEO friendly WordPress themes is vital. There are certain features that you should be on the lookout for before you settle on the one to use such as tags. Although SEO experts may differ when it comes to selecting the ideal theme, all of them agree that you should be very careful when selecting a theme. WordPress themes can be referred to as SEO optimized when:
It is code free. It follows the guidelines that have been prescribed on various search engines such as Google. The theme has been optimized for speed. It is a responsive theme.
Below are some of the SEO friendly WordPress themes that you can work with:-
Genesis by StudioPress
This is a WordPress theme framework that is used by some of the famous bloggers like geekbeat and Problogger. There are over 1, 10,000 WordPress sites and when it comes to speed and SEO friendliness users say that there is no other theme that can compare to Genesis. This is because it is coded carefully and it also follows all the schema markups.
It is a theme that was created by Mythemeshop and it is one of the best that they have ever come up with. Users can choose from the 6 different layouts that are available in to choose the one that suits their needs best.
It goes for only $35 and you can be assured that you will get great value for money. It comes with lifetime support and you also get updated every now and then from the developer to make sure that you make the most out of the theme.
Keep in mind that the theme has already taken care of everything like SEO guidelines by all the major search engines.
DIY Themes
Also referred to as Thesis in the WordPress world, this is one of the most popular SEO friendly WordPress themes that you can work with. Bloggers and other people who use WordPress love using it as it is optimized for SEO.
Another thing you should know about it is the fact that it can be customized easily and there are some famous people online who are using the thesis for their site and blogs. Go through all the features it offers to ensure that it is exactly what you are looking for.
WP Company
When looking for WordPress themes, this is another option you can have. This is a theme that comes from Theme junkie and it comes with a variety of great features as well as options that a person can browse through to use the ones they feel will work for them best. With this, you also get lifetime support as well as updates.
This is one of the themes that has been coded carefully and it also complies with all the SEO guidelines that have been put in place for maximum visibility from the search engines.
This is an example of SEO friendly themes that are most purchased. Currently, over 60,000 sales have been made. This is simply because it offers uses great ease of use where a person does not need to have any experience to use it.
It also comes with an elegant design that most people fall in love with and the fact that it has SEO optimized codes makes it ideal for use by many people online.
This is another incredible option you have when looking for SEO friendly WordPress themes. It comes from themify and it also comes with some excellent features and options that make it among the industry leaders for people who are looking for this type of theme.
It is quite popular among bloggers thanks to its unique design and great features that make it quite an awesome theme for any blogger who is using WordPress.
It is also important to note that it has already been optimized for SEO which gives you a greater chance to make sure that all the major search engines are able to crawl your site or blog so that it can be ranked highly and you can also enjoy all the other benefits that come with it.