SEO Techniques That You Must Know

julia ching

Posted by admin Jul 2, 2015

As the years go by, it is important to stay at the top of your game when it comes to SEO techniques so that you can continue reaping the benefits of your SEO efforts. There are numerous tips that you find online and you need to be very careful to sieve the ones that are most important to help you bring in more traffic to your site.

Best SEO Techniques to Follow

Below are some of the SEO techniques that you must know and use in the upcoming year.

Find Bloggers and Potential Back-linkers using Delicious

You already know that back-linking is very important and should be included in your SEO strategy. You can use Delicious to find topics that are similar to yours.

For instance, if you are dealing with ladies’ handbags, you can search for this keyword and you will find the content that has been bookmarked most and look at the people who have bookmarked the specific content. From here, you can start by studying the profiles of the individuals. Chances are that you will find some sites attached often indicating that the people are webpage managers and bloggers. Click to the website and if it suits your needs, you can go ahead and contact the manager or blogger to find out if they would be interested in working with you.

Use Reddit to Find Keywords

For persons who are looking for new keywords for their SEO techniques, there is a forum on the internet where there are very many users who discuss almost everything that is found under the sun. To access this, all you have to do is browse Reddit to find the industry that you are interested in, find your product and then go through the topics to find out what individuals are interested in and what they are looking for. From here, you will be able to tailor your content in such a way that it will fit well within the keywords.

Make Your Webpage or Blog a “Hub”

With all the new developments that have been rolled out by Google in the past years, it can be quite challenging to remember that the ones that are tried and true are still ideal SEO practices. For instance, your site can be turned into a hub of information as Google still partially measures how authoritative a sure appears by the number of relevant links a page has. Include high quality and relevant sources in your content and make certain it is easy to read and share if you want to enjoy amazing results at the end of the day.

Use Pay Per Click Ads to Find Inspiration

When looking for great content that will be used for your description tags and page titles, the best place to search for when looking for SEO techniques is Google results page for the keywords that you will be working with. Look at the pay per click ads while you are here as this content is usually the result of extreme testing. Content that you see after searching for a certain keyword has normally gone through a number of tests and it is also guaranteed that it will attract visitors. Use this to draw inspiration as copying and pasting will definitely not work.

Entice Readers to Click on Your Site/Blog

Creating top-notch content may not be enough to grab the attention of new readers. As part of SEO techniques, you need to entice them to click on your link whether it has arrived in the search results, on a forum post or on their inbox. Give visitors a reason to go ahead and click on your site. Do not just ask them to click on your link but let them know the benefits they will get by doing this. People will most likely click on it if they have a legitimate reason to do so.

Lengthen Posts

While it may be easier to work with about 300-500 words on your post, SEO techniques dictate that it is better to work with longer posts as they are usually more engaging. This is because it gives you a greater chance to link to sources, includes keywords, and offers a deep analysis of the topic. However, do not attempt to stretch a thin topic as this will fail miserably.

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