Important FAQs About Website Maintenance

julia ching

Posted by admin May 5, 2022


Website maintenance is the method of keeping the site healthy and up-to-date. It is the task that includes managing content, security updates, promoting traffic, and assuring the visitors have the best experience. Noticeably, it needs to be carried out regularly not only to attract or retain customers but also to boost Google’s ranking and SEO. 

If you are maintaining it on your own or are hiring any web development company, you have to be professional with its in-outs! That is because to keep your brand image up and do not let any wrong step hurt it. So, if you are thinking about how, then read this article! We aim to unleash all the essential frequently asked questions related to website maintenance services.

Website Maintenance Frequently Asked Questions

What is Website Maintenance?

The process of monitoring the site for issues and ensuring everything is relevant and updated is website maintenance. Significantly, it demands to be carried out regularly for the site to be secure, safe and optimized. 

Despite you being a small, medium or large company owner, it is vital to maintain the site. However, it permits attracting customers, assures healthy communication with them and controls site problems if persist. 

What Web Maintenance Services are?

It is an important element to engage and keep customers. Usually, they manage on a weekly, monthly or annual basis. Below are a few examples of the same:

  • Renewing the website domain name
  • Updating regularly the site software and core plugins.
  • Monitor the site for 404 errors; redirect or fix if there are some.
  • Examine the site and find if there are any chances of improvement
  • Find the security scans; in case there are some problems, resolve all of them.
  • Monitor the loading speed of the website. If it is loading in not less than three seconds, consult an expert website developer. 

Why is website maintenance required regularly?

In this digitization world, on daily basis, new items, support, and functions introduces. The whole purpose of which is to streamline and amplify the customer experience. Of course, because of the exceptional services of website maintenance, you do not need the conventional ways of maintaining sites. Generally, they present an old website impression that does not appeal to the audience. Hence, it is necessary to maintain the site on regular basis.

Are web maintenance services meant for some particular type of website?

No! Every type of website requires web maintenance services. You must know that it defines your brand identity to the audience and potential customers. Therefore, we recommend to update and maintain it with recent trends, technologies or new company details.

Consider that when the site does not get regular maintenance, then soon, its value declines. Certainly, there will be a loss in terms of customer retention rate and ROI.

What do web maintenance services include?

Many do not know what web maintenance services are. The usual package of web maintenance includes:

  • Test site speed
  • From time to time updates
  • Backups management
  • Fixing errors or server issues
  • Deleting and Updating spam content
  • Examining opt-in forms and plugins
  • Security issues

What are different Website Maintenance options?

When it comes to website maintenance, there are three options:

  • Hire a marketing and web maintenance team

Though, it charges extra because you have to pay a number of professionals included. From the overhead cost to benefits, salary etc. it includes everything. 

  • Hire the web development consultant


You can also hire a consultant from a web development company. It is one of the valuable options to choose from. Awebstar is also one of the leading ones on this list. We have professionals who can use the resources for website maintenance perfectly. From making the right strategy to programming and marketing, we will serve you best. 

  • Do It Yourself

If you are professional then, you can do it yourself as well. All you need is to have patience and spend time to see the best results. 

What benefits web maintenance will give?

  • Remodeling of necessary website elements, like links, images, coding, 

content, etc. 

  • Changing the overall website appearance by updating the services, and improving its brand value.
  • Regular visitors, retaining existing customers, higher conversion rate and more sales.

What is the approximate time frame for completing the web maintenance process?

Its answer depends on the type of site you have and the changes required. So, the website maintenance process can take even some minutes, days or months for full-time assistance. 

After how much time the website maintenance is required?

It is essential to complete the site maintenance on regular basis. Indeed, it depends on many factors like a content, space, images, etc. When there is recent information, news, development, details, about services, products, patents, acquisitions, contracts, launches, events, renovations,  recognitions, awards, opportunities, new locations, etc. 

A timely updated and well-organized website defines your business as versatile, professional and dynamic. Of course, this is what makes visitors explore it frequently.

Is there any maintenance problem that cannot be fixed?

If you are trying to do it yourself and are not professional enough, then, you cannot fix all the issues. But, when you hire an expert for web development services then, the proximity of better website maintenance increases. Some anomalies that restrict the ability to fix errors, could be language constraints, or limitations set by service providers. 

How website maintenance is helpful in an SEO strategy?

The process of web maintenance definitely supports SEO efforts and strategies on major search engines. For maintaining the website, the businesses choose to optimize speed for browser compatibility. Certainly, it influences the SEO ranking of your site. Moreover, the site that loads quickly provides a better visitor experience. 

What is the cost of web maintenance service?

Its cost relies on the complexity of the site and the platform on which it is created. Basically, the range varies from $50 to $100 on an hourly basis. Also, it depends on the total website pages, the integrated components and tools, and assistance required. 

Is there any possibility of the website going down in completing the website maintenance process?

If the website maintenance process is in hands of unprofessional and inexperienced developers, then it might face such issues. Therefore, it is better to take assistance from website maintenance experts to assure each of the apparent and hidden problems are fixed. Hence, giving a satisfying user experience. 

Concluding Remarks

After reading the whole article, assuredly most of your queries have been answered. Hence, start the process of website maintenance. Get in contact with the leading website design and development company. Choose Awebstar to have a quote and get the best website maintenance service you ever had. We have professionals that confirm the best delivery of the asked requirements. If you have any other questions related then, comment below. We are here to help!

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