Ways to improve the click-through-rate (CTR) of your web page

julia ching

Posted by admin Feb 23, 2021


So you created a website, but no one is visiting it?

Not generating enough organic traffic to your website could be the reason!

Have you ever tried ways to get traffic without improving the ranking?

Are you creating more links? Are you building more content?

Believe us- it is not going to work!!

Click-Through Rate (CTR) optimization is the right way. It is an essential metric as it shows how many users are interested in your website and click on the ads to know more about it. 

The #1 Google organic search results have 31.7% of average CTR.   And, it is more likely to get a click than the #10 results on Google.


From the above graph, it is found that the #1 Google result attains higher CTR with the dataset of 5 million results approximately. Also, you can check a dropoff on the #2 page of the google result. The below graph states that there is only 0.78% of Google searches clicked on the second page.


The higher CTR relies on many factors specific to the ad campaigns and business. 1.9% is the average CTR for display ads and searches. For search ads, the CTR is 3.17% approximately and for display ads, it is 0.46% approximately.

What is CTR? 

CTR is a coefficient showing the ratio between ad impressions and the number of clicks (transitions) on it. It is an indicator that is determined by the ratio of the number of clicks on an advertising message or banner to the total number of demonstrations of these notifications, calculated as a percentage. This metric applies to any hyperlink and banner that counts views and clicks.

The following indicators have the greatest impact on CTR:

  • Images and text information on the banner 

For high CTR values, an advertising banner should be of interest to the audience of an Internet portal (for example, processors on websites about assembling your PC) or be shocking or unexpected for a website visitor (this technique can often be found in various teaser networks).

  • Dimensions

The larger the advertisement, the more interest it attracts from the user.

  • Brightness and saturation of colours

The dependence is directly proportional; a catchy banner increases the CTR several times.

  • Additional use of media (audio or video) or animation 

Some websites allow the use of such techniques as flickering the frame of an advertising message or the entire banner as a whole.

  • Interactivity 

A banner that responds to hovering over it or prompting the user to play a mini-game significantly increases CTR.

  • The place where the advertising message is located

To get the maximum attention of the user, the banner must be in a prominent place. Extreme manifestations are variants when advertising covers the website content.

  • Targeting 

When compiling a banner, it is very important to consider which audience is the main website visitor. In such cases, they are based on gender, age, country, and interests of users.

Knowing these metrics allows marketers to significantly increase the CTR of a banner or ad.

How to calculate your CTR 

Since CTR is a measure of the ratio of clicks to ad impressions, the formula for calculating it is as follows: 

CTR = number of clicks made by visitors/number of ad unit impressions * 100% 

Let’s look at the simplest example. Suppose you ordered an advertising campaign with a banner display 1000 times, 10 people were interested in it, and they followed it by clicking. We calculate the click-through rate: 

CTR = 10/1000 * 100% = 1% So, for this ad banner, the CTR is 1%. 

Naturally, the higher this coefficient, the higher the advertising efficiency. Indicators above 1% can be considered a good result. At the same time, the field for improving advertising and increasing its effectiveness remains quite large.

What is the use of CTR?

CTR is an easy and quick way to determine the effectiveness and profitability of your ad. Low rates of the coefficient or its stable decrease are a wake-up call that something in the advertising company is going wrong.

This means that it is necessary to suspend the operation of a specific ad unit, conduct an analysis, identify the reasons for its inefficiency and make adjustments. The method for calculating CTR applies both to each advertising module and to the entire advertising campaign.

Does click-through rate really matter?

Yes, it does matter! Know-how below:

  • Click-through rate shows if the visitors engage and reply to the CTAs or page title tags, ad headers. 
  • It gives an outline of the user intent and the targeting efforts.
  • It has a large influence on the paid advertising campaigns and SEO.
  • CTR shows the quality score on ad platforms like Google ads and Facebook.

The above points are clearly showing that the Click-through rate from the digital marketing toolkit results in stagnation and poor strategy. With the right execution, the CTR shows enhanced conversion rates. Simple!!

If the audience is attracted to your ads, then, it implies that something is compelling of them. Certainly, you can anticipate high levels of engagement, and you will not know when they receive a prompt from your CTA. 

More Click-throughs improve quality scores, assures more engagement, drive up the impression ratio, reduces the cost per click, etc. You need that ripple effect; it proves the potential of click-through rate.

Right Testing= CTR success

When it comes to solving clickthrough rates, nothing beats guarantees. Testing is required again and again. You can make some small adjustments, add numbers or rewrite the call to action to optimize your ads. 

Most of the time, optimizing may use images that show emotion. After completing the test, deploy again. 

Reasons for including CTRs on the web page

Defines quality score

Here, we can say that the quality score is similar to the credit score. When you hold a high-quality score then, the search engines, like, Google charges less for every ad clicked. With less quality score, you need to pay more for each click. Do not forget, the higher quality score implies that your content and ranks higher as well.

Improves user message relevance

Click-Through-Rate and user engagement are interlinked. With more users engaging with your content and ads, you end up bringing more relevance. To elaborate, it means that you can interact with the right users with the messages that interest them. You can take advantage of the CTR metric to improve your messages for better interactivity and intuitiveness.

CTR emphasizes targeting

With even the visibility of your ad on the website, some of the viewers feel forced to click on it. Why?? Because of the non-optimization of your keywords. 

For that, you can track the click-through rate metrics and change the keywords for targeting the potential users for improving the sales funnel. 

Shows Offline Conversions

From the search engine statistics, it is clear that there are 45% of prospects approximately that search for your products and make sales. Click-through rates catch those interests and allow you to get a follow-up. These user interests offline do not assure conversion but assure you that you can capture those leads to perform offsite.

How to improve the CTR of your webpage

how to improve the CTR of your web page

Identify your audience

Knowing the audience is the first and the foremost thing before determining the click-through rate. You must know that half of your works complete when you identify your audience. After researching you can:

  • Find out the target demographic most preferred language
  • Identify what users are searching for and their preferred keywords
  • Understand their searching habits and which device they use
  • Determine the CTA that forced them to purchase
  • Identify the time, date, or month of the search ad

Build quality content

Even if it is an email marketing campaign or social media, the content quality influences how the visitors interact with the campaign. For increasing the clicks on the content, quality content matters. The content is the main aspect that attracts the customers and enables them to open an email and click on the ad. When the content is not engaging, there are fewer chances of visitor engagement.

Make an effective ad copy to attract the audience for the advertising campaigns. Assure that it is appropriate to the visitors and as per their needs. If you want your visitors to click on the ad, then, make an ad copy which is according to the interests and needs.

When it is about email marketing campaigns, content is the main concern. The visitors have taken the step already to open the email, hence, now, you have to please them with the details in your email. The solid email copy insists them to read the mail and click the relevant links.

Optimize the headlines

The visitors are pinned to attractive headlines. The non-catchy headlines cannot assure clicks. It is a fact! However, it is not rocket science. You have to improve your headline writing skills in any way.

Do not focus only on esthetics. Add only emotions into it. Do not forget that potential customers can swing different emotions. Take advantage of this, but don’t deceive or mislead them. This is the way for them to take action.

Elevate the meta-descriptions

It is essential to optimize the meta-descriptions if they are not to achieve more CTR rates. The reason is that it is the most important factor for strong on-time page SEO. 

If the snippet text is not optimized, then the eye-catching headline will not attract people’s attention, thereby increasing the click-through rate. To successfully achieve this goal, give the content description and the attractive narrative of the title in a 150-160 character description.

Keyword Research and Optimization

We cannot question it. Do not pick the keywords randomly. Fortunately, you can use keyword planning and suggestion tools. First, you need to determine which keywords your competitors will deploy. Second, analysis tools will assist you to find the keywords users use to discover your pages. 

Do not take much time to know the keywords that your visitors search. Get them and drop them into the URL. This will improve the click-through rate. Do not forget, once the user clicks it will lead the user to the next step.

Use relevant CTAs

Creating related CTAs is one of the best ways for efficient advertisement. It is significant as they reveal to your audience further steps.

You should include related CTAs in the listings. The better CTA makes the visitors click on the advertisement. It improves CTR. The phases, like, “shop now”, “Check it out”, “Find out how”, etc. could be used. All these are CTAs that inform visitors what to proceed next and how the information can be gathered. 


For allowing the audience to purchase, the CTA, like “Shop Now” is efficient. On the contrary, if you want them to approach your business, then “Call Now” is the right option.

With the appropriate CTA, you can attract more visitors to click on the ads. This is how you can improve CTA and secure more leads to your business.

Use All Ad extensions

Is there any ad extension that has more appeal to the digital adverts? Indeed, there is! These are the resources that improve size and relevance. Below are some ad extensions that enhance the CTR:

Sitelink ad extensions

Its added lines of the text are displayed when the ad ranks higher (mostly in the top three slots). It enhances the CTR by placing the ads on the competing adverts.

Location extensions

These are the extensions that attract the searchers for visiting the physical location. They are best for local businesses for improving traffic. 

Call extensions

Easy call extensions allow users to reach via caller applications and telephone.

Structured snippet extensions 

It shows the product description below the ad description section. It works best for communities or brands.

Use Detailed URLs

Appropriate URL Structure and detailed URLs appeal the most and assure high ranking. This is how it improves the click-through rate. Consider the general URL and you will find that it will not score much. Below are some of the tricks you can use to improve your URLs:

  • Make it brief and fluff-free
  • Create descriptive URLs to attract machine and users
  • Use uniform URL production techniques and adhere to it
  • Integrate the keywords in the URL to fulfil expectations

Description optimization

Think about why the users are checking your listing in the first place, and assure the description is appropriate. Use emotional words, like, power words (instant and secret), and follow the same guidelines as you with the title. 

If the calendar year does not have a number in it, but, the title has, then include the calendar year in the description. You can choose the most checkboxes between the title and description, and the result would be better.

Use Structured Markup

Below are some of the schemas that you can include:

  • Person
  • Organization
  • Local Business
  • Breadcrumbs
  • Product & Offer
  • Article
  • Video
  • FAQ
  • Event

Above various markups, variation assists in bringing visibility to SERP listings that assures more clicks.

Structure content for featured snippets

The featured snippets are strong search results that are displayed as content boxed on SERPs. They are information fields that strive to offer answers according to user queries. Usually, the featured snippets are located at the top of the SERP, below are the paid ads and above are different organic search results.

While searching the SERPs of the main keyword, check if the featured snippet appears. If such, then you should structure the content similarity of how the featured snippet is showing the answer.

Content testing

For creating the campaign’s content, testing is essential. You could compose an email or create an ad that attracts the visitors but is not effective for them.

So, for creating the right marketing content, implement A/B testing. With this, you can find out the appropriate elements for ads and emails. Other things, like, images, typography, and CTA can also be tested. Here, our advice is to test only a single element at one time to adequately discover the changes that are affecting the visitors.

Awebstar can help you to improve CTR

Creating a great CTR could be challenging, particularly when you do not have an idea of where to start.  Awebstar is best digital marketing company here is to assist you! We have worked with many industries and know the complex factors that make each industry unique. Despite this, we assist you to increase the click-through rates of your webpage. 

With our experts Digital Marketing team, you can create relevant ads that resonate with potential customers. We are here to assist you to win new potential customers and conversions.

Approach us today to know how we can help improve the web page CTR!!

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