Email Marketing: An Easy Strategy to Boost Business Growth and Sales

julia ching

Posted by admin Jan 27, 2022



Establishing a business is one thing. Clear communication with the prospects is essential to keep it running smoothly. There are several online channels from digital marketing to social media platforms, direct marketing, and more to interact with the customers. While all of these choices have grown or altered over time, email marketing has remained a constant.

Stats put the effectiveness of email marketing more clear:

  • 72% of firm owners believe emails are the best medium for their business communications.
  • 85% of lead generation, 84% of sales, and 74% of customer retention are influenced by email marketing. 

Overall, an email marketing campaign can increase a company’s sales and profits if executed well. Besides, it has the potential to convert one-time buyers into long-term customers.

However, it is easy for beginners to get confused with the tips, tactics, and tools associated with this strategy. Hence, it becomes crucial first to understand the basics of email marketing, how it works, and why your business needs to invest in it. 

Email Marketing Defined

Email marketing is a medium that allows you to communicate with your audience via electronic messages. Many companies use email marketing for commercial purposes. However, it can help to raise awareness and educate recipients about their areas of interest.

To stay relevant, you must build both B2B and B2C partnerships. Businesses in a B2C relationship need to connect with their customers’ emotions and convince them to purchase their products. B2B partnerships, on the other hand, are based on the reasoning for why to make purchase decisions. In addition, B2B email marketing initiatives require extra attention. This is because it is the source of increased engagement. Thus, resulting in more leads and conversions and ultimately increased profitability. 

Overall, modern email marketing relies less on bulk messages and more on segmentation, engagement, and customization.

Email Marketing Campaigns for Maximum Engagement


Email Newsletters

One of the most popular and common email marketing campaigns is email newsletters. It can assist to provide the subscribers with helpful tools and knowledge. Also, it is important to add valuable information to the subscribers. It can include how-tos guides, engaging content, announcements of new offerings, and more. Besides, you can measure the efficacy of the newsletter. How? Check to see if the content is helping to establish relationships, increase retention rate, and improve subscriber loyalty. 

Promotional Emails

This form of communication is ideal for increasing sales and promoting new products. Here, engaging email content and business offerings that convince and inspire the target audience to purchase fall under this category. The CTAs in these emails are simple and concise. These indicate the exact action you want your viewers to take, whether they are simply browsing the site or have come to shop.

Besides, you can utilize such a marketing campaign to reward active subscribers, cross-sell to existing customers, and notify subscribers about new product releases.

Retentional Emails

If you’re familiar with marketing efforts, you might want to try retention emails for your business. It will assist you in maintaining open channels of communication. How? You should send a message asking for customer opinions or make an offer to subscribers who haven’t interacted with your email campaigns or business in a while.

Hence, retention emails are effective in retaining hard-earned clients. 

Acquisition Emails

Small businesses can use acquisition emails to gain consumers who opted in to receive emails but are not loyal customers. You can provide appealing offers and include informative content to demonstrate the significance of becoming an active customer.

Among all, acquisition emails work the best to transform the leads into conversions quickly. Additionally, business growth and increase in revenue become easy when you showcase what your brand can deliver to its audience. 

How Does Email Marketing Work?

Businesses use an email service provider or ESP to send marketing emails. Usually, it is software that sends and manages email marketing campaigns. 

Now, there may come two questions in your mind.

One would be if you can just send emails using a regular inbox provider? Or you need to buy an additional resource for emailing purposes. 

In most cases, you will need to employ a paid service provider. The reason is that having a limited design, email bandwidth, and delivery can make you run into several marketing challenges. 

Besides, Internet Service Providers like Outlook, Gmail, and Yahoo serve personal use well.  But when it comes to mass emailing, fulfilling the purpose with ISP can result in spam filtering. Moreover, the account can be deactivated for such an activity. 

Hence, it would be significant to rely upon reputable email service providers. The reason is they possess the essential infrastructure that assures high email deliverability speed.   

Tips to Begin With Email Marketing

Get Yourself the Email Marketing Software

A dedicated email marketing provider is the way to go. You will need to send the emails via ESP. This is because using ISP (Internet service provider) would only put your brand and the sender at reputation risk.

However, with a wide range available, the question of how to choose the reliable one comes up. 

Here, you need to consider all these elements given below:

  • Think about your budget.
  • How often and what email types you are planning to send. 
  • What is the volume of your email contact list?
  • Will you require a drag and drop email editor to design your emails? Besides, you can also count on email templates. 

All in all, for the beginning, do focus on essentials. 

Build an Email List

Once you’ve finished establishing your goals, the next step is to create an email list and begin with the campaigns.

There are a couple of ways you can rely upon to build your email list. However, the method you opt for will depend on the goals you need to achieve. 

i) Make a list of known email contacts

If you plan to utilize email to target existing customers, you can import their information into the software you’ve picked. You can do this by manually uploading the list. Also, you can link the campaign monitor customers’ accounts to the device that stores all of the information. Finally, instantly sync all customer data to the account.

However, double-check that you have authorization to email all of these people before importing the email contacts. 

ii) Grow your email list with lead magnets

When it comes to building the list faster, nothing beats providing premium material.

Infographics, checklists, eBooks, and other forms of content are excellent. In addition, visitors receive great material in exchange for signing up for the newsletter. Discounts and special offers can help to attract new clients to join the mailing list.

Decide on the Purpose of Your Email Marketing Campaign

After you’ve finished importing contacts and created lists, consider what you want to accomplish with your first campaign. Each email marketing campaign should have a clear objective.

For example, you may want to:

  • Share upcoming discounts with your existing clientele
  • Promote new item launches
  • Notify subscribers about an important piece of brand news

Your goals should be both broad and particular. It must also be appropriate for both the business and the target audience. This means that in every situation, keeping the aim in mind will make creating email content easier.

Start Creating Emails

Once you have decided on your goals, after choosing the audience, the type of campaign you want to run, it’s time to create emails. 

For this, there come crucial steps:

i) Frame your campaign for effortless reading

According to studies, a grown-up’s engagement span is about 8 seconds. Given the short time frame, you can presume that people are unable to pay attention to your campaign information. Instead, they might be browsing through them in search of something interesting.

Hence, avoid writing long-form, weighty content. Structure your emails to entice recipients to read your content while also directing them to the email’s CTA.

ii) Incorporate Visuals and Images to Enhance Involvement

If we talk about email design, using less text and more images would be perfect. Yes, of course. The email campaign will look more eye-catching if you block a lot of text and add more photos. They’re also memorable, which helps the information stand out.

Personalize Emails to Boost CTRs

  • Demographics: It’s useful for tailoring campaign messaging to a wide range of gender and age groups.
  • Workflow activity: Assists in the creation of targeted campaigns for subscribers who are at different phases of the funnel.
  • Geographic data: It helps to advertise certain store information. Moreover, you can target specific markets while avoiding encouraging the message to people who aren’t interested.
  • Customer data: This is beneficial to eCommerce businesses who need to send focused advertising to VIP customers. Furthermore, target those who are likely to stop buying from the brand soon.

Measure the Outcomes

With no surprise, marketers like to measure each effort. Besides, staying informed about all the key metrics helps to modify the emails, thereby resulting in better outcomes. 

Effective Email Marketing Techniques That Work

Optimize Emails for Mobile

Let’s say you send an email with a beautiful design and lots of information. What if the design or pictures included in the email do not appear attractive when the target customers access it on their mobile?

Keep in mind that 61.9 percent of emails are accessed on mobiles. The requirement to achieve the best outcomes is to ensure that emails appear correctly across all devices.

The best you can do is:

  • Place easy CTAs
  • Utilize font of bigger size
  • Use small-size visuals
  • Create concise mails

All in all, having a mobile-friendly email design is essential. No matter what device the subscribers use to check the emails, ensure you always deliver high quality. 

Personalization is the Key

Of all, everyone enjoys being valued and recognized.

It would be wonderful if you could send emails with the subscribers’ names instead of classifying them in the general customer category. This tiny effort would go a long way in giving small things a personal touch.

Developing trustful relationships with consumers and prospects necessitates email personalization. Moreover, the personalized messages demonstrate that clients are your top priority. Additionally, it raises brand awareness and increases customer engagement.

Thus, you can follow these given below email personalization ideas. These are helpful in positively influencing the conversion and click-through rates. 

  • Time zones must be taken into account while planning marketing. This is because it enhances the likelihood that emails will be noticed.
  • In the subject line and text, use the consumer’s first name.
  • Contact segmentation is vital to target the relevant messaging. 

Double Opt-In is Essential

The opt-in method or signup procedure is a form of email marketing. It is further categorized into two types.

  • When a subscriber fills out and submit the signup form, they are automatically added to the email list. This is the single opt-in method. 
  • When you give a link to each new subscriber with a confirmation email, this is known as double opt-in. Such confirmation is necessary for subscription procedure completion. 

Overall, email marketing is the most effective method. This removes any addresses that were typed incorrectly. It also eliminates spam traps and serves as a verification of subscriber agreement.

Keep Email Newsletter Layout Engaging and Minimal

The design, like the content, plays a vital part in email marketing. The appearance of an email can influence the brand’s message and how it communicates with subscribers. Hence, put in some efforts to get it right. 

Of course, the purpose of an email campaign would be to drive attention that highlights the main message, and CTA is the best way possible. Hence, keeping the content relevant, clear, and well-organized is the key to supporting engaging email design. It will serve to capture the reader’s attention and convince them to take action, which will increase the CTR.

Hence, the best practice you can implement to add visuals correctly to the newsletter is given below. 

  • Keep the email decluttered by avoiding too many pictures. Furthermore, it could impact deliverability too. 
  • Ensure image size is neither big nor small. 
  • Utilize high-quality images.
  • Consider adding ALT text to the images as it boosts the accessibility of images and content.

Automate Emails

Another excellent marketing method is email automation. It’s used to deliver subscribers’ triggered emails. These are the messages that we usually get right after performing specific actions on the site. It might be anything from exploring products to adding items to shopping carts to making a purchase.

Here are some triggered email examples:

  • Cart abandonment: This is something that we all do. Add things to the cart and leave them unattended for an extended period. On the other side, automated emails keep the person informed about cart abandonment. It increases the likelihood of a buyer purchasing the product.
  • Welcome emails: These are vital to make customers feel special.   
  • Annual or Birthday specials: These emails can be used to communicate with customers on a more individual basis.

Moreover, keep in mind that each of the automated emails must include clear CTAs.

Key Advantages of Email Marketing Strategy

Now that you’ve learned everything there is to know about email marketing, it’s time to see what benefits you may reap from your efforts. So, let’s discuss these advantages in detail why it’s the ideal option for your digital marketing operations.

Boosts Business Awareness

Do you have any idea what the best thing about emails is? It allows you to communicate directly with a person. This is a one-to-one communication channel, but it is solely used by consumers to communicate with their preferred businesses.

In this case, tailored email marketing outperforms any social media post. It allows you to keep your brand alive in the minds and inboxes of your subscribers.


It’s easy to set up an email marketing campaign. This enables organizations to create their email templates and other sign-up forms. Furthermore, the drag-and-drop editor also allows you to run marketing automation workflows.

In addition, if the design is not your expertise, you can use the ready-made templates to quickly launch your first email marketing campaign.

Maximizes Sales and Conversions

Is your business launching a product or promoting a sale? Running an email marketing campaign would be the most beneficial solution to drive sales. 

You can also attempt the email marketing techniques listed below to increase conversions even further.

  • When visitors do not checkout and instead add goods to their bags, send notifications about abandoned carts. This will make them take the necessary actions regarding purchase.
  • Provide tailored offers and discounts to loyal subscribers. 
  • Welcome, birthday, or anniversary emails to develop audience re-engagement. 

Enables Personalized Communication

It’s simple to collect useful data from contacts as part of the subscription process. Furthermore, the benefit of such data is that it allows you to personalize the engagement to the customer’s wants and preferences. Customer loyalty is boosted by segmenting customers based on shared behaviors and tastes and delivering appropriate content.

Furthermore, because your subscribers value your communication efforts, they will remain part of your email list. This is why building a huge email list will result in more revenue over time.

Enhances Consumer Loyalty

Emails are the most effective way to increase consumer loyalty throughout the purchase process. Whether it’s conversions, lead nurturing, or customer retention, it has got you covered. Email marketing is also seen as an important technique that works well in collaboration with a CRM system. As a result, communication is more efficient.

Without a question, email marketing campaigns help to build a community by facilitating the development of trustworthy relationships.

Why Does Your Business Need Email Marketing In 2022?

Despite the rise in popularity of chat apps and mobile messengers, email remains a vital component of any digital marketing strategy. The following statistics help to clarify the situation:

The total number of email users was estimated to be approximately 4 billion in the year 2020. Furthermore, by 2025, it is predicted to have 4.6 billion users.

In comparison to social media initiatives, email marketing strategies are simple to modify. Another advantage is the lower cost as compared to other forms of communication.

Furthermore, you have little control over the conversion rate and reach of email marketing.

Unable to believe in all this. Give these below-given stats a look.

  • 88% of customers believe email is a great source of communication if it seems it is created specifically for them.  
  • 62% of marketers believe that email personalization is the best online marketing strategy. 

This data depicts the value of investing time and resources to develop an email marketing strategy. It will ensure that you don’t lose out on any sales prospects or opportunities to create long-term customer connections.

Final Thoughts

Ultimately, all such possibilities of business growth and success are what makes email marketing worthwhile. It is a technique that is both challenging and interesting at the same time. However, you will need to plan strategies rightly so it can result in higher sales. Here, putting a significant effort into interacting with the subscriber rightly will surely result in increased loyal customers. And this is what will make your business stay ahead of your competition. 

So, now it’s time to get in touch with the experts of Awebstar. Here, the digital marketing experts help run effective email marketing programs to build a quality contact list, design responsive templates, and measure the campaign outcomes.

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